Wednesday, March 28, 2012

146 - Ministry Of Immigration and Population

Ministry Of Immigration and Population


           The State Law and Order Restoration Council issued Notification No. 31/95 on 15 June 1995 and established the Ministry of Immigration and Population.

           The motto of the Ministry of Immigration and Population is The Earth will not swallow a race to extinction but another will " The set-up of the Minister's office was compact with 36 members of the staff. Though there was only Immigration and Manpower Department under the supervision of the Ministry of Immigration and Population, in order to effectively and properly execute immigration services, it was constituted with the Head Office, 14 State/Division Offices, 64 District Offices 324 Township Offices, 22 Teams for Preventing illegal immigrants and the Border Immigration Headquarters (Maungtaw) with a strength of 641 officers and 8,623 of other ranks totaling 9,264.

Primary Aims
           The Primary aims of the Ministry of Immigration and Population are as follows:

(a) to undertake all functions concerned with the ministry in keeping with the guidance of the State Law and Order Restoration Council and the Cabinet;
(b) to lay down plans and projects in connection with the ministry and submit them to the government body;
(c) to execute management and supervision task in implementing the projects permitted by the government; and
(d) to co-ordinate with other ministries and departments and organizations for co-operation for timely completion of the projects.

           Functions of the Ministry of Immigration and Population are as follows:
(a) Preventing foreigners who enter the Union of Myanmar illegally;
(b) Preventing citizens who went to other countries and re-enter the Union of Myanmar illegally;
(c) Controlling foreigners, who are staying in Myanmar, holding Foreigner Registration Certificates, in accord with the existing laws, rules and regulations; and
(d) Collecting demographic data, getting by registering everyone who live or stay in the Union of Myanmar and conducting population census, to be used and supported National Security and Administrative, Economic and Social projects laid down for short-term and long-term.

Immigration Task Performance
           Entry Visa Tasks: As the State Economic Policy has changed its system to market-oriented economic system, foreign investors, skilled workers and tourists entered Myanmar with visas. Besides, issue of Exit and Re-entry Visas were also carried out on seamen and employees who were seeking jobs abroad. Illegal entry and exit tasks were constantly conducted.
           Previously tourists were allowed to stay for only 72 hours in Myanmar. However the duration starting from the 14-3-94 has been extended up to 28 days. In welcoming the visit Myanmar Year the concession rates was fixed to US $ 10. Tourist visas were issued at the Myanmar embassies and consulates residing in foreign countries. During the Visit Myanmar Year, tourists were issued Visa on Arrival at Yangon Airport and Seaport.
           Although only 28 days were given, tourists wishing to extend their stay may do so by obtaining recommendation from the Ministry of Hotel and Tourism. If the state National Security, economics, social welfare, culture and present rules and regulations were persecuted actions will be taken according to Myanmar Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act. Section 4 (2). The following shows the situation of foreigner's entry during the period of (1-4-95) to 14-11-97 (4-9-94) tourists entered with tourist visa and 152610 persons entered with entry visa on business or other social matters.
           Permission was granted to those foreigners who arrived at Myanmar with entry visas and requested to extend their stay permit. Those permitted to stay totaled 57735 persons. Besides that among the Myanmar Citizens and foreigners who applied exit permit to leave for good totaled 199 persons. According to the current providential rules and regulations Departure Forms were issued to Myanmar Citizen (including seamen) and foreigners, leaving Myanmar were issued and totaled 136908. Immigration Tasks Such as Entry Visa Stay Permit Foreigners Registration were conducted during the period 1-4-95 to 14-11-97 and US $ 7583972.36 was collected.
           Border Pass at Border Check Points Myanmar has opened 2 Border Check Points to allow passage and permit border trade with neighboring countries Such as People's Republic of China, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh and India and also with those living along the border area. An agreement was made for legal traveling via Border Check. Points between the two countries namely the Union of Myanmar and the Thai Government. The signing of Border Entry Agreement and the Exchange of diplomatic credentials ceremony was held at the Pyithu Hlutttaw on the 16 May 1997. Besides that, Border Check Points were opened at Man Wain Gyi and Lwe Gye, in the Kachin State, Maise in Kayah State, Myawady and three Pagodas in the Kayin State, Recorda in the Chin State, Tamu in the Saggaing Division, a in the Taninthayi Division, Pyin Pyu and Nga Hku Ra in the Rakine Division, Muse NanKhan, Kyugoke, Nantain, Chin Shwe Haw, Hopan, Tachileik and Pa-hkoke in the Shan State.

Fees collected from Border Travellers
           Based on the changes of Myanmar market oriented economic system, the Myanmar Development Project of Tourism has been expanded, thus allowing tourists to enter by air and Bolder Check Point. Fees collected during the period (1-4-95 to 30-10-97) were Kyat 11744531. Baht 12807662, Yuan 1153264. Take 160380, Rupee 1206285 and Dollar 813669.

Actions taken According to Immigration Act
           Among those who violated the 1947 Myanmar Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act and arrested during the period (1-4-95 to 14-11-97) were 2960 Myanmar citizens and 1409 foreigners totaling 4369 persons.

Border Trades
           Entry/Exit fees collected at the border trade areas are as follows:
(a) Myanmar - India Border Trade
           Myanmar-India Border Trade agreement was signed on the 21-1-94 Border Checkpoints were opened at Tamu on Myanmar side and at More on India side. Indian traders holding Travel passes changed 18 dollars and were given Entry permit to travel up to 7 days to Kalay and Mandalay. Myanmar traders entering the other side were given special identification passes and charged 50 Kyats per person Myanmar traders can travel up to Info town and were allowed to stay for 7 days.
(b) Myanmar - Bangladesh Border Trade
           Myanmar-Bangladesh Border Trade was opened on 5-9-95 Tacknat town was chosen as a checkpoint for Bangladesh and Maung-Taw town for Myanmar. Myanmar traders were charged 13 Kyat per person for Entry/ Exit and were allowed to stay up to 7 days in Bangladesh. On the other hand, Bangladesh traders were charged 10 Taka for entry and were allowed to travel up to Maung-Taw and stay for 48 hours with Border Pass.
(c) Myanmar - Thai Border Trade
           Tachilelk Maesai Myawady Mae sot, Kawthong-Ranong were chosen as check points between Myanmar and Thailand. Time allowed for Entry/ Exit to border towns was 0600 AM until 0600 PM, for the day. Traders entering I Tachileik and Kawthoung and staying for 4 days ( 3-nights stop ) were charged entry fees and allowed to travel up to Kawthoung via Techileik and Myeik via Kawthong.
(d) Myanmar - China Border Trade
           Traders from China were allowed Entry/ Exit through checkpoints in Muse Nankhan Kyu-goke (105) miles and Maingyu Border Trade Office was opened at Muse and trades were carried out near Mannequin Border Checkpoint.

Naturalized Citizenship Task
           Regarding the Associate Citizenship and Naturalized Citizenship, applications were carrid out as follows:
(a) Associate Citizenship -
           Applicants for citizenship under the Union citizenship Act 1948, conforming to the stipulations and qualifications may be determined as associate citizen by the Central Body, under the Myanmar citizenship law 1982. The Central body may include on the certificate of associate citizenship the names of children mentioned in the application. The child whose name is so included is and associate citizen.
(b) Naturalized Citizenship -
           Persons who have entered and resided in the State prior to 4' January 1948 and their children born within the State may, if they have not yet applied under the Union Citizenship Act 1948, apply for naturalized citizenship to the Central Body Under the Myanmar Citizenship Law 1982 furnishing Conslusive evidence.

The Arrangement of Repatriation of Myanmar who fled to Bangladesh
           With the invitation of Bangladeshi Minister for foreign affairs, a mission of (14) members of the Myanmar delegation led by U Ohn Gyaw Minister for Foreign Affairs visited Bangladesh from 23 to 28 April 1992 to discuss the repatriation of bonfire Myanmar residents who fled to Bangladesh. Bangladeshi Minister for foreign Affairs held discussions with the Myanmar delegation at the State Guest House in Dhaka and agreed to repatriate the Myanmar residents in Bangladesh. The two foreign ministers intimately negotiated about peaceful residence between the two countries based on the five principles. After agreeing on the repatriation if the residents who actually fled to Bangladesh arrangement was made to place Ten Transit camps on Bangladesh side and five Reception Centers on Myanmar side.
           Five reception centers were opened on Myanmar side on 15 May 1992 where 21850 persons were accepted during the period (22 September 1992 to 15 August 1997) including 43994 household. 107227 men and 111283 women. Although acceptance had been confirmed 7952 persons were unwilling to return. Among those unable to be confirmed 8260 persons maintained their stay an other side. National Registration and Citizenship Task

National Registration and Citizenship Task
           After gaining its independence on 4 January 1948, the Union of Myanmar, in order to obtain accurate statistics, consequently drew up short-term and long-term projects for the reconstruction of the country, consolidation of national sovereignty, the protection of internal and external hostilities, and the prevalence of law and order. In order to do so, 1949 Union of Myanmar Residents Registration Act and 1951 Union of Myanmar Residents Registration Rules were prescribed and Identity Cards were issued to those ( except foreigners ) residing in the country from 1952 onwards.
           In doing so, personal history of each person under aged 12 and above area listed and recorded, household members lists were issued to every household, identity cards were issued to those of abed 12 years and replaced with lost! Damaged / unreadable Identity Cards and addresses of Registration and Records on changes of Personal Characteristics were also included. Citizenship Securitization Process Activities Based on the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law and the 1983 procedures, the following citizenship tasks were conducted, namely Birth and Death Registration and Birth and Death certificate issued. Aged (10) years citizenship and Naing (3) and Citizenship Securitization card Naing 3 (A) issued and Aged (18) years citizenship Naing(6) and Citizenship Securitization card Naing 6 (A) issued.
           Tasks successfully conducted during the period of (1- 4 - 95 to 14 - 11 - 97) are as follows. Issue of estimated population aged (18) years 5021943, tasks on population completed 1970080 and percentage of completion 39.23%.

Temporary Identification Certificate
           For those without and identification certificate, Temporary Identification Certificate were issued during the period of (I-4-95 to 14-11-97) total 350472.

Religious Ro and Religious Associated Records issued
           At the first Religious Sects Meeting for the promotion and propagation of Buddhism, held at the Sasana Cave ( Mahapathana Hlaing Gu) at Kaba Aye Height in Yangon, it was declared that all sang has and novices residing in the Union of Myanmar must hold religious records. Religious records issued during the period of ( 14 - 95 to 14 - 11 - 97) were members of Sangha (Monks) 6638, Novices 3808 Nuns 2078.

Activities of Census, Survey and Computer MIN Division
           1 tie functins of Census, Survey and Computer Division are to conduct decennial population censuses and intercensal demographic surveys, to do research work on population related topics, to provide population information to government and international organization, to do population projections and estimate population for national and subnational areas and sex an c age. It has conducted a nationally representative Fertility and Reproductive Health Survey in 199, on a sample basis and the field operation lasted for 3 months starting from March 1997. The preliminary report is under preparation at the present.
           The division hasconducted surveys of mortality, fertility and reproductive health whict would provide relevant indicators/ rates fog Population estimation. The current rate of growl thus estimated is about 1.84 percent and the population projected by the year 2000 is presented below.
(a) Total Population - 49007556
(b) Male - 243 52179
(c) Female - 24655377

Population by State and Division
The population for states and divisions sex estimated using demographic techniques and Ire population as of 1 - 10 - 97 are as follows

Sr.No State/Division Total Male Female

UNION 46402230 23038801 23363429
1. Aveyarwady Division 6435636 3220740 3214890
2. Mandalay Division 6187993 3051840 3136153
3. Yangon Division 5295118 2632139 2662979
4. Sagaing Division 5179777 2536017 2643760
5. Bago Division 4847717 2426522 2421195
6. Shan State 4628703 2319916 2308787
7. Magway Division 4301484 2109883 2191601
8. Rakhine State 2609693 1299378 1310315
9. Mon State 2336984 1171623 1165361
10. Kayin State 1403417 694125 709292
11. Tanintharyi  Division 1269093 634228 634865
12. Kachin State 1201940 5194397 607543
13. Chin State 458236 222832 235404
14. Kayah State 246439 125161 121278

           Besides conducting population censuses and demographic surveys, the division has in collaboration with, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) celebrated World Population Day Commemorations, conducted workshops, seminars and meetings etc. The Ministry of Immigration and population has sent its staff to governmental, non-governmental organizations and trainings, workshops, and seminars held abroad.

Functions of Staff Duty and Inspection Division
           Staff Duty and Inspection Division is inspecting and controlling township offices and Division or State offices to implement four major tasks in accord with the existing laws, rules regulations and instructions, working out research relating with functions of department training staff compiling the strength of the State by financial year, compiling laws, rules and regulations, and compiling the reports to the ministry, relating with the activities of department and the reports necessarily asked by the upper hands.

Compiling the strength of the State
           In addition to the stated functions, Immigration and Manpower Department is compiling the strength of the State, based on various ministries of financial years. By the financial year, permitted and existing strength of deparments and enterprises under various ministries are as follows:

Year Minist
1. 1995 28 168 1121716 868524
2. 1996 30 173 1158757 900282

Research and Training
These are as follows:
(a) Research
           Regarding the research of the department, compilations and records on the secure, economic and administrative events, about international news relating; with immigration and our department, speeches of Heads of the State and Ministers are being operated;
(b) Training
           to be qualified with 3 capabilities, staff were sent to Refresher Course for Immigration Officers, Public Service Officer Training Course (Zeya) Public Service Junior Officer Training Course (Thurein), Public Service Clerical Staff (Supervisor) Training Course (Teza) and Public Service Clerical Staff Training Course (Bala) which are conducted by the Central Institute of Civil Service. Moreover, 2 descendants of staffs of the department were sent to the courses for governmental departments organized by Central Statistical Organization for the first, second and third levels, and the courses conducted by Myanma Heavy Industries at Sinde;
(c) Giving lectures on the services of the Ministry
           The Ministry's officials gave lectures at the following organizations and units on the services of the Ministry;
(i) Management Training Course for Executives of the Union Solids and Development Association . 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
(ii) Management Refreshor Course ,Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air Force)
(iii)Combat Training Organization Instructor Course at Yemon Unit; and
(iv) Combat Training Organizational , Courses for Officers and 0th; a Ranks at Military Commands
(d) Other Courses -
           The Department also opened courses on the Ministry, subjects and English Proficiency course -42 for E.P Course, 150 for Inter departmental Refresher Course, 840 to , Inter - department Refresher short- term Course. And 10 persons of this depart. ment were sent to learn Thai Languagf Proficiency Course conducted at 6E University of Foreign Languages.

Activities of Administration and Finam Division

          Construction matters - For the staff serve the State duties, offices, staff quarter and check point offices are constructed as follows

Sr.No Financial
Constructed Quantity Value
1. 1995-96 11 Township Offices
10 Township Offices
5 Staff Quarters
I Check-point Office
13 11542000
2. 1996-97 11 District Offices
10 Township Offices
5 Staff Quarters
I Check-point Office
27 19813410
3. 1997-98 2 District Offices
10 Township Offiecs
6 Staff Quarters
18 22126000

           The Ministry of Immigration and Population d executing the tasks constantly taking the guid- of the State Law and Order Restration Council and the government . It is working upholding Our Three Main National Causes and Twelve National Objectives and in accord with its motto " The Earth will not swallow a race to an extinction but another will "; the Ministry sees to observance of this motto by service personnel and strives for their working with national political awareness, improvement of their ability, administrative and organizational capabilities, increase of the State's income and enhancement of the qualities of the State's immigration sector to be able to keep up with the international standard.
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