Rohingya Book-Shelf ရုိဟင္ဂ်ာ စာအုပ္စင္
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English Version
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Legislation Myanmar (Burma)
Administrative / Public Law
Agriculture Law
Banking Law
Civil Law
Commercial Law
Communications And Media Law
Company Law
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
Electoral Law
Energy Law
Environmental Law
Health Law
Insurance Law
Intellectual Property Law
Labor Law
Law Sources
Litigation And Court Procedure
Mining Law
Tax Law
Transport And Maritime Law
Constitutional Law
Litigation And Court Procedure
Attorney-General Law, 2001
Judiciary Law
Judiciary Law,2000
Law Amending the Attorney General Law, 2001
Law Amending the Court Fees Act
Law Amending the Judiciary Law, 2000
Electoral Law
Law Amending the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law 90
Law Amending the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law 91
Administrative / Public Law
Burma Citizenship Law
Computer Science Development Law
Development of Border Areas and National Races Law
Fire Service Law
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary university Law
Law Amending the Myanmar Citizenship Law
Law Amending the Myanmar Immigration ( Emergency Provisions ) Act, 1947
Law Amending the Myanmar Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1947
Myanmar Accountancy Council Law
Myanmar Historical Commission Law
Myanmar Hotel and Tourism Law
Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Law
Myanmar National Olympic Council Law
Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Region Law
The Central Statistical Authority Act, 1952
The Law Amending the Myanmar Accountancy Council Law
The Law Amending the Political Pension Law
The Law Amending the Political Pension Law
The Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University Law
The Myanmar Maritime University Law
Tourism Law
Criminal Law
Code of Criminal Procedure
Extradiction Act
Law Amending the Control of Money Laundering Law
Law Amending the Suppression of Prostitution Act, 1949
Money Laundering Law
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Law 2004
Penal Code
Civil Law
Child Law
Child Law
Law Amending the Code of Civil Procedure
The Law Amending the Code of Civil Procedure
Commercial Law
Myanmar Citizens Investment Law
Promotion of Cottage Industrial Law
The Weights & Measure of Capacity Act
Company Law
Co-operative Society Law
Law Amending the Myanmar Companies Act 98
Law Amending the State -owned Economic Enterprises Law
Private Industrial Enterprise Law
Salt Enterprises Law
Labor Law
Occupational Safely and Health Act (OSHA)
Health Law
Blood and Blood Products Law
Body Organ Donation Law
Eye Donation Law
Law Relating to Nurse and Midwife
Medical Council Law
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law
National Drug Law
National Food Law
Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases Law
The Law Amending the Law Relating to the Nurse and Midwife
The Traditional Drug Law
Mining Law
Mines Law
Myanmar Pearl Law
Myanmar Pearl Law
Tax Law
Commercial Tax Law
Excise Act
Law Amending the Commercial Tax Law
Law Amending the Gambling Law
Law Amending the Income-tax Law 91
Law Amending the Profit Tex Law
Banking Law
Central Bank of Myanmar Law
Financial Institutions of Myanmar Law
Law Amending the Central Bank of Myanmar Law 95
Law Amending the Central Bank of Myanmar Law 97
Law Amending the Financial Institution of Myanmar Law
Saving Banks Law
Savings Banks Law
Insurance Law
Insurance Business Law
Insurance Law
Myanmar Insurance Law
Communications And Media Law
Electronic Transactions Law 2004
Motion Picture Law
National Archive and Mawgun Law
Television and Video Law
Transport And Maritime Law
Highways Law
Law Amending the Canal Act
Law Amending the Fishing Right of Foreign Fishing Vessels Law
Law Amending the Myanmar Aircraft Act 2004
Law Amending the Myanmar Marine Fisheries Law
Law Amending the Myanmar Merchant Shipping Law Act
Law amending the Myanmar Marine Fisheries Law (No. 16/93)
Marine Fisheries Law
Myanmar Marine Fisheries Law
The Highways Law
The Highways Law
Traffic Law
Environmental Law
Animal Health and Development Law No. 17/93.
Forest Law
Freshwater Fisheries Law
Protection of Wild Life, Wild Plants and Conservation of Natural Areas Law
Tourism Law
Intellectual Property Law
The Copyright Act of 1914
Energy Law
Atomic Energy Law
Atomic Energy Law
Law Amending the Electricity Law
Agriculture Law
Law relating to Aquaculture.
Myanmar Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Law
Pesticide Law
Pesticide Law
Pesticide Law
Plant Pest Quarantine Law
Veterinary Council Law
Science and Technology Development Law
Law Sources
Burma Lawyers Council - Myanmar Laws
Department of Civil Aviation
MInistry of Religious Affairs
Ministry Of Communications,Posts and Telegraphs
Ministry Of Finance And Revenue
Ministry for Agriculture and Irrigation
Ministry of Co-operatives
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Construction
Ministry of Energy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Forestry
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Hotels and Tourism
Ministry of Industry
Ministry of Industry
Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Mining
Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development
Ministry of Transport
Myanmar Gemstone Law
© Copyright 1996-2010 Lexadin
Document Created at August 20, 1996
Last Update october 06 2010
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